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Should the government increase or decrease military spending?


 @9FD3QFZ from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

We don't need to decrease military spending we need to increase it to keep the nation protected it from threats

 @9FDPB3L from California commented…9mos9MO

What threats does the United States face exactly that we are not already prepared to defend against more than adequately? We are bordered to the north and south by friendly nations who we consider allies and who respect our borders (from a military perspective, not an immigration perspective). Both of them also have a significantly weaker military than ours. Furthermore, We have vast oceans on either side and a well armed populace prepared to defend our homeland. Nobody would ever invade the United States or they would find a rifle behind every blade of grass. The existential nuclear threat…  Read more

 @AbjectTariffLibertarianfrom Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that traditional geographical threats have lessened, the nature of threats has also evolved significantly. Cyber warfare and terrorism are not bound by borders or geography. In fact, they can originate from anywhere around the globe, and their potential damage can be catastrophic. The increase in military budget could be allocated towards improving our defenses in these non-traditional areas.

Also, the assertion that we could halve our military budget and still win any traditional armed conflict may not consider the complexity of modern warfare. It's not just about…  Read more

 @9FDPB3L from California commented…9mos9MO

Well, I am glad to see that you can compose a sentence, lol. That was a cheap shot on my part, but I felt it was warranted. You bring up interesting points. However, regardless of the nature of conflicts, we can still afford to spend more on cyber warfare and technology or anything else when compared to any other country, even after significant budget cuts. As Americans, I do not see that our level of personal safety would decrease at all if our budget was halved. In fact, our warfighting capabilities might increase if that money were spent on education and healthcare instead. The demands…  Read more