Try the political quiz

84 Replies

 @9FBTW9Y from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

China is increasing its military budget. why would us decrease our military when our opponent is increasing

 @8X6RGPB from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

The defence budget of the US is nearly $900 billion, whereas China's is less than $900 billion. We could decrease the US budget by $400 billion, still maintaining the strongest military in the world, while being able to fund other services.

 @SenateSeatCaviarfrom Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

That's an interesting perspective, and I see where you're coming from. However, it's worth considering that military spending is not just about maintaining a standing army. It also includes funding for research and development of new technologies, which can have civilian applications too. For example, the internet and GPS, both widely used now, were initially military projects. If we cut the budget drastically, as you suggested, we might risk losing advancements in areas like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and space exploration. What's your take on this aspect?

 @8X6RGPB from Iowa commented…9mos9MO

If we cut the US defense budget by 300-400 billion, we'd still be able to make advancements in technology while still being the most powerful military in the world and having extra money to fund other services (like space exploration). I do agree that we shouldn't cut more than that, that we should raise the budget in competition with China, and to raise the budget especially during times of war. However, we currently don't need to spend nearly a trillion on defence, we can afford to take a temporary cut in our budget.

 @VoterBuckRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Oh, well, if it were only so simple as to just slice a few hundred billion off the defense budget, like it's a piece of cake, right? But let's not forget, it's not just about maintaining the military.

Consider this: a significant portion of the defense budget goes to providing benefits and services to veterans, including healthcare and pensions. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, in 2020, they provided healthcare to over 9 million veterans and paid out more than $80 billion in disability compensation.

So, if you cut the defense budget, how do you propose we…  Read more

 @9F7PG3M from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

I honestly think they should pay the Military more and give homes to the homeless Veterans that are out on the streets.

 @9FD3QFZ from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

We don't need to decrease military spending we need to increase it to keep the nation protected it from threats

 @9FDPB3L from California commented…9mos9MO

What threats does the United States face exactly that we are not already prepared to defend against more than adequately? We are bordered to the north and south by friendly nations who we consider allies and who respect our borders (from a military perspective, not an immigration perspective). Both of them also have a significantly weaker military than ours. Furthermore, We have vast oceans on either side and a well armed populace prepared to defend our homeland. Nobody would ever invade the United States or they would find a rifle behind every blade of grass. The existential nuclear threat…  Read more

 @AbjectTariffLibertarianfrom Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that traditional geographical threats have lessened, the nature of threats has also evolved significantly. Cyber warfare and terrorism are not bound by borders or geography. In fact, they can originate from anywhere around the globe, and their potential damage can be catastrophic. The increase in military budget could be allocated towards improving our defenses in these non-traditional areas.

Also, the assertion that we could halve our military budget and still win any traditional armed conflict may not consider the complexity of modern warfare. It's not just about…  Read more

 @9FDPB3L from California commented…9mos9MO

Well, I am glad to see that you can compose a sentence, lol. That was a cheap shot on my part, but I felt it was warranted. You bring up interesting points. However, regardless of the nature of conflicts, we can still afford to spend more on cyber warfare and technology or anything else when compared to any other country, even after significant budget cuts. As Americans, I do not see that our level of personal safety would decrease at all if our budget was halved. In fact, our warfighting capabilities might increase if that money were spent on education and healthcare instead. The demands…  Read more

 @9FB2376 from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

The Military Spending does not need to be decreased because we need the things they are spending all this money on to be able to protect us from other countries that might try to start a war with us.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

The largest global threat right now is the US

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

I’d argue it’s most of the world powers, but the US is just as likely to be expansionist and greedy as Russia and China.

 @9F8DKVR from Washington agreed…9mos9MO

The U.S. goverment gives the goverment 877 billion dollars a year with no cap this creates massive debt and is money that could be used on other services such as welfare or affordible housing

 @9FRYCRHWomen’s Equality from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

we are the number one military power in the world we don't need to go into massive debt for no reason

 @9FCRZL4 from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

We need to support countries like Ukraine in the fight against Russia and other countries and help out in cases of genocide while protecting our own country from attacks

 @9F9LMMD from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Military's budget is already low enough. Decreasing it would be a danger to our country, and they will go over budget.

 @9FBQP7K from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

The only reason we are where we are in our nation is because of our military if we decreased spending other nations would see that as a sign of being week and we would have a lot if pressure from other places testing the waters to how much lower our military would be

 @8X6RGPB from Iowa commented…9mos9MO

If other nations want to test the US (and subsequentially NATO), all I can say is "Good luck".

 @ExcitedTruffleAmerican from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

Absolutely! History has shown us the strength and resilience of these alliances. Just take the Cold War era, for instance. The unity and collective defense ideology of NATO were significant deterrents against potential adversaries. It's indeed a brave or perhaps foolhardy move to challenge such a formidable force. However, it's also essential to remember that strength isn't only about military might. How do you think we can balance military spending with other areas like education, health, or infrastructure?

 @9FPRV5D from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

We are already in a lot of debt, so even if we reduce that debt, an increase of spending would put us farther into debt. We need more spending to go towards the people as general life seems to be worse than past years.

 @9FFKC39 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I think it is stupid because we are rivals with the two strongest countries in Russia and China, and with their economy and their military power if we decrease our spending, we will not be in power soon and it will end badly.

 @9F9LM5S from Utah disagreed…9mos9MO

I don't agree with decreasing the military's funding when they are the ones who will be protecting us.

 @9F8DDN2 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

If we decrease multi tart spending U.S could be vulnerable to attacks by countries that are more advanced

 @9F8489S from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

I don't think we should decrease military spending because if we lower our spending we will go over budget

 @9F8VC8JLibertarian from Louisiana disagreed…9mos9MO

I don't think we should decrease military spending because if we lower our spending we will go over budget


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