Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @SquirrelAmeliaDemocrat from Missouri commented…1mo1MO

Trump's advisers keep downplaying the extent of his tariff proposals -- saying this 10% idea is just one more extreme idea among many -- but then Trump himself keeps suggesting he would actually like to be *more* aggressive

 @MinorityWhipRonPatriot from California disagreed…1mo1MO

If China’s military budget is what it is.. pre-war tarrifs are the last thing we should be concerning ourselves with.

It could actually be a great tool to buy us valuable time while both adversaries still need eachother. But.. we shouldn’t be naive.

 @C0nstituti0nPorpoiseConstitutionfrom Maryland commented…1mo1MO

This would be inflationary. Argue it’s worth it. But don’t argue reality. If you want to pay more for everything, then do this.

 @DirectEmmaRepublicanfrom New Jersey agreed…1mo1MO

And no, he did not do this is first term.

 @LolliesClairePatriotfrom Missouri commented…1mo1MO

There's a logic argument to do this for China but not the rest of the world.

 @C0nstituti0nPorpoiseConstitutionfrom Maryland disagreed…1mo1MO

At this point, most Americans can’t afford to fight that battle with China right now. Not after the 20% inflation in prices of the last three years.

Any isolation of China needs to be planned for with manufacturing deals elsewhere already in place.

 @LolliesClairePatriotfrom Missouri agreed…1mo1MO

I agree, but this is a campaign proposal, actual implementation would involve a more strategic approach. I mean look at what Biden is proposing and he has actual power, taxing unrealized capital gains would kill investment in the USA and put us into a recession immediately.

 @ExcitedBitternForwardfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

Increased prices are not necessarily inflation. In fact, tariffs decrease demand, which should improve balance of payments and strengthen the dollar, which would make other things like critical commodities cheaper.

 @T4riffGarlicRepublican from Kansas commented…1mo1MO

Trump being against trade is way better than Joe Biden ruining America by voting for every single awful trade deal. Joe Biden caused the rust belt and trade is climate change.

 @BrainyEqu4lityLibertarian from Ohio commented…1mo1MO

Raise your hand if you like higher prices for goods. American consumers pay more due to Trump/Biden tariffs. It is a TAX and was/is part of what brought us inflation. Stop the heavy handed government intervention/cronyism and allow the market to work.

 @PorpoiseAvaDemocratfrom Washington commented…1mo1MO

Economists forecast a 10% tariff would increase prices by $1500 annually on most American families.


Would you support a policy of imposing tariffs if it meant paying more for goods but potentially strengthening the domestic job market?


Considering the aim to 'ring around the country' with tariffs, how do you feel this strategy would impact America's relationship with its trade partners?


Do you believe protecting domestic jobs justifies the potential increase in costs for everyday products due to tariffs?


If tariffs lead to higher prices, who do you believe should bear the responsibility for these costs: the government, businesses, or consumers?


How do you think imposing a 10% tariff on all imports would affect your daily life or the price of items you regularly buy?


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