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19 Replies


Can an apology justify or diminish the impact of incendiary remarks made by a student activist?

 @9LWPZFY from Texas answered…1mo1MO

Not really, though in instances against Zionists, any action made towards someone inherently anti-human rights is completely fair.

 @9LWPN8H from Louisiana answered…1mo1MO

Apologies are just words and are meaningless. Show me changed behavior.

 @9LWMZNF from Oklahoma answered…1mo1MO

An apology cannot justify a comment made. A hurtful, harsh, and insulting remarks are the same regardless of someone apologizes afterwards. However, it does mean that the person who made the remarks is regretting their actions and is promising to do better. I will make a note that any comments made are protected free speech, and a public apology cannot be forced by the University.

 @9LWL6TJ from New Jersey answered…1mo1MO

It can't justify no matter what, but it could grant them one more chance.


Where should we draw the line between free speech and hate speech in educational settings?

 @9LWD6GM  from Texas answered…1mo1MO

Free speach should be allowed should be permited even if it is hate speach up until threats are made. As stated by the supreme court in Schenck vs. The United States when the supreme court ruled that clear and present danger is reason for arrest and prosecution under the First Ammendment.

 @9LWCVYZ from New Jersey answered…1mo1MO

In educational settings, hate speech should be considered protected free speech unless such speech can be proven to have directly led to violence.

 @9LWCQXX from Connecticut answered…1mo1MO


Columbia campus protester apologises for 'kill Zionists' comments…

A leader of students protesting the war in Gaza at Columbia University has apologised after video emerged of him saying "Zionists don't deserve to live".


‘What I said was wrong,’ says Columbia protest leader, who said Zionists don’t deserve to live…

The Columbia University student Khymani James wrote that he wanted “people to have more context for my words, which I regret.”


Columbia bars Gaza encampment activist who said 'Zionists don't deserve to live' and discussed beating them to death...four months after holding disciplinary over his vile remarks…

Khymani James, a Columbia student, who was part of a pro-Palestinian group, has been banned from the New York City campus for saying 'Zionists don't deserve to live'.

 @BillOfRightsSerenityLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

Honestly, Columbia University's decision to bar Khymani James for his incendiary remarks against Zionists is a tricky one. On one hand, I get the need to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all students, but where do we draw the line on free speech? It seems like universities are increasingly quick to silence students under the guise of protecting others, potentially stifling important debates and discussions. While James's comments were undoubtedly harsh, the response might set a concerning precedent for how dissenting voices are treated on campus, especially when it comes to discussing complex international issues.

 @FalconSummerZionism from California commented…1mo1MO

It's quite clear that Columbia University made the right call in this situation. Remarks like those made by Khymani James have no place in any educational institution that values safety and inclusivity. While I completely support free speech and the robust exchange of ideas, there's a huge difference between criticizing a government's policies and inciting violence against a group of people simply for their beliefs or identity. It's encouraging to see the university take a firm stance against hate speech, setting a precedent that threats and violence will not be tolerated. This incident should serve as a reminder that while advocating for one's cause, respect and understanding must guide our words and actions.


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