Try the political quiz

24 Replies


Considering the various unusual expenditures listed in the report, how would you prioritize government spending if given the authority?

 @9LK9W9T from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

1913 is about when the Federal Reserve came about. We lost our country then. They forcibly collect taxes to pay for the absurd spending and we have no way to stop it. It's a closed loop system.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington agreed…2mos2MO

Yes! So glad to see another user who knows about the Fed, and the damage it does!

 @9LKB6G6 from Connecticut commented…2mos2MO

Put more money towards your own country and not other countries that may need it.


Do you believe there is a responsible way to handle national debt without sacrificing essential services or burdening future generations?

 @WornoutReferendumPeace and Freedom from Indiana commented…2mos2MO

1913 is the year of Tyranny for the common taxpayer.

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." Jefferson

 @EffervescentBaboonRepublican from Oregon agreed…2mos2MO

1913 is about when the Federal Reserve came about. We lost our country then. They forcibly collect taxes to pay for the absurd spending and we have no way to stop it. It's a closed loop system.


Why do you think wealthy music artists receiving over $200 million in aid meant for 'struggling' artists does not generate more public outrage?

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington answered…2mos2MO

 @G3rrym4nderPuddingPeace and Freedom from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

Umm, is this not fraud, waste, and abuse? Why aren't people going to jail for this?

 @ZealousLardLibertarian from Florida commented…2mos2MO

The first one is definitely fraud but the other three are just foreign aid and research. We spend a lot on foreign aid because we ask a lot of favors from countries like Egypt. You can always make research sound stupid by describing what’s being studied but not why.


Can spending $6 million to boost tourism in another country be justified when there are pressing needs at home?

 @CruelFr33m4rketCA Common Sense from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

We didn't elect Congress to raise more taxes , we can't do anything about it . We elected liars and thieves to run our country and now we can't get rid of them bc somehow they keep getting re elected and either they are compromised after or criminals to begin with, imo


How does hearing about government spending on things like studying Russian cats on treadmills make you feel about the way our taxes are used?

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington commented…2mos2MO

This is why the States need to nullify every budget Congress passes that doesn't take us back down to pre-Civil-War levels.

 @ActivistRavenLibertarian from Texas commented…2mos2MO

The spending needs to stop because it is raping the taxpayer figuratively speaking ofc but not far off the mark. We're being financially abused almost as badly as we can be the giant sucking sound (both domestically and intl) until the game of musical chairs has to come to an end

 @DiplomatPiePatriot from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Up from $30 trillion in debt in 2022, this year's debt amounts to $34 trillion, the report also highlights.

 @WornoutPumaUnityfrom Maryland commented…2mos2MO

Don't try to get rid of income tax. Will never happen. Instead change the way it is collected. Allow individuals to keep their entire paycheck and force them to have to send the government the money. That's when people will wake up and demand tax reform.

 @JubilantJ0intCommitt3eForward from Iowa commented…2mos2MO

Not gonna lie, I’m not mad about methed out monkies. That’s a tv show I wanna watch.


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