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43 Replies


If a country's economy is thriving but the public feels otherwise, does the perception or the reality have a greater impact on societal well-being?

 @9LFW9KK from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

I feel that the perception will have a greater impact because people will blind themselves to what is actually happening with what they believe is right/happening.

 @9LFVGKQ from Texas commented…2mos2MO

The understanding if a economy is thriving is important. Reality is the only issue. In a thriving ecoomy the people should feel the change.

 @9LFV3XW from Utah commented…2mos2MO

The news should be truthful about everything and anything going on regardless of the circumstances

 @9LFTBFF from Oregon commented…2mos2MO


Can an economy be considered truly successful if a significant portion of its population believes it to be failing?

 @9LFYWXP from California commented…2mos2MO

I think that if people feel the economy isn't thriving then it's not thriving. The people decide.

 @9LFYVZT from California commented…2mos2MO

A lot of people are struggling financially and especially the government itself which leads me to believe the economy is failing and I am sure I am not the only one either.

 @9LFWSDZ from Minnesota commented…2mos2MO

I think that the people who have to deal with feeling poor or living in poverty should never be the majority. People in the market that recently joined should get benefits aswell as people who are more experienced. The only problem is that the people right now need help more than the elders who have accomplished things before them.

 @9LFWJ2FConstitution from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

I think that there could be so much more help for poor people, everything costs so much, and no job pays a lot. It's hard to live as a human and I think that's disgusting.


How do personal experiences and media influence shape our views on the economy, regardless of what the statistics say?

 @9LHM5FV from California commented…2mos2MO

 @9LFW9MB from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

i believe that the things you go through and are conditioned with shape the person whom you strive to become

 @9LFW65CRepublican from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

Too many people take media influencers at face value and do no due diligence to determine right, wrong, or indifferent before formulating opinions that influence their voting rights.

 @IndependenceGnuSocialist from South Carolina commented…2mos2MO

I'll venture my own anecdotal hypothesis: the problem is not Americans' objective levels of income or wealth, but their subjective sense that the future is no longer hopeful. Put a different way, that the rug has been pulled out from under the promise of the American dream.

In an absolute sense, my household is much better off than we were in 2020 (mostly on the back of new jobs). We are not struggling in any sense of the word. But we also feel that our goals have suddenly become much, much harder to achieve.

Why? Housing costs, more than anything. Over the same time period that our…  Read more

 @ResolvedElect0ralGreen from Arizona agreed…2mos2MO

It’s also a little awkward when “progressives” lurch from a doom and gloom message about all the problems in society they are trying to mobilize around to a new message of cheerleading for the status quo. It feels very forced and contrived, especially in an election year.

The default progressive posture must be dour dissatisfaction and outrage at the ravages of capitalism, the obscene inequality and the non-PC jokes. So you can’t just switch on the jovial Pollyanna at a moments notice.

 @ShyGovernmentDemocrat from Ohio agreed…2mos2MO

This is the best comment here. You've precisely nailed the cause of the apparent conundrum of why so few are particularly enthusiastic about this ostensibly great economy.

 @CulturedSnailRepublicanfrom California disagreed…2mos2MO

"The typical American household needs to spend $445 per month more to purchase the same goods and services as a year ago, given the 8.2% inflation rate in September. This isn’t going to sit well with the Fed, and the September CPI isn’t good news for financial markets or the broader economy. Markets are pricing in a terminal fed funds rate of 4.9%. Energy weighed on inflation."

 @MercifulD3m0cr4cyPatriotfrom Guam agreed…2mos2MO

The economy is unstoppable, also unless the Fed cuts rates 825 times, we’re **** ed

 @OryxMikeyDemocratfrom Virginia commented…2mos2MO

I am voting for Biden, but I'm still down on the economy. Mostly because I can't find a job that's not food service/retail. I have a master's degree and plenty of experience. It's just a rough market out there for people who aren't superstars in their field. I'm also old enough now (45) to be up against ageism as well. And my ARM adjusts in a few years, so I won't be able to afford my house anymore, even if I do manage to find white collar work. Even though I love where I live, I'll have to move somewhere cheaper, and I'm already bummed about leaving my social support behind. Also I have kids going to college soon, and let's not talk about those costs.

But okay, I'm sure it's just conservative brainwashing from all that Fox News I don't watch. Good to know, thanks.

 @ButterflySkylarDemocrat from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

Your experience highlights the hollowing out of the middle class and unaffordability of mid to upper class life in America, but it’s important to trace it back to Republicans and Ronald Reagan somehow. Voicing these kind of issues right now just sounds like you don’t think Biden is an excellent candidate that can fix every problem. It risks giving fodder to the narratives of the opposition as well. It’s important to always filter our experiences through a partisan lens before sharing.

 @PanickyTheRightSocialist from Florida commented…2mos2MO

I don't know why it's so hard for wealthy people to understand this but let me try.

For the working poor and middle class, all of these GDP numbers, employment numbers, stock market numbers etc. don't matter.

What does matter to folks of limited income is the fact that food is insanely expensive right now. Folks with a lot of discretionary income don't notice that. Folks without a lot of discretionary income do notice that.

Stop telling people who are struggling to pay their bills that everything's great. It may be for you, but it's not for them.

 @Ind3p3ndentGrizzlyDemocrat from Virginia disagreed…2mos2MO

when people making $200K (95th percentile) claim that they are struggling "middle class" folks like the rest of us, that should say something. I can't fathom how the median household ($75K) can afford to have children. I earn more than that as a single guy and can barely support myself with a reasonably optimistic outlook.

 @EggsCarolineDemocrat from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

As a 30-something year old, to me the answer is clear: housing. Sure wages are up, but not nearly as up as housing costs. To ask a progressive like me to "celebrate the current economy" seems really out of touch. My generation can't seem to get ahead, between predatory student loan debt, mounting housing costs, and even higher mortgages because of high interest rates. Neither party is addressing this.

 @YearningQuailGreenfrom New York disagreed…2mos2MO

actually Biden has done a lot to reduce student debt as he did this very day - one of several measures he has taken since the Republican majority of the Supreme Court killed his first student debt plan. Interest rates are the purview of the Fed. They raised them to address inflation. They will lower them later this year according to the Fed Chair Jay Powell.


Why might people distrust positive economic reports, and how does that distrust affect their outlook on their own financial futures?


Should political leaders focus more on addressing the psychological aspects of economic perceptions rather than just the economic indicators?

 @MadParrotTranshumanist from Tennessee commented…2mos2MO

Just the other day, the NY Times ran an article about how room, board, and tuition at many universities will exceed $90,000 this fall, and may soon breach the $100,000 barrier at some of them. The only people who will be able afford this are lower-income families who qualify for tuition breaks or the very wealthy. The majority of Americans - the middle class and moderately affluent - are getting slammed.


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