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45 Replies

 @9GWMWKX from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

If you do not support abortion, do not get one. The living person should be prioritized over the potential life. A mother or birthing person has a life that they have the right to continue. It may be selfish but they have the right to decide how their life is altered and that is THEIR business.

 @9GWL26P from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion is a human right and bodily autonomy. There are many factors that lead to an unwanted pregnancy, and many of those are restrictions put on the people who are able to get pregnant. Often consultations to get one’s tubes tied are turned down for lack of discussion with a partner or requirement for children. Birth control, condoms, and other contraceptive products are not full proof. Biologically humans are a species that have sex for pleasure, not just procreation. Until there are full proof ways to prevent pregnancy by the choice of a single person, the person who is able to get…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

You should never require that someone gives birth. That is a human rights violation.

"A human rights violation"? For the love of High Heaven, MURDER is more of a human rights violation!


Pregnancy is not only a huge emotional tole but also a huge hormonal tole. It is not easy to be a surrogate, to make someone who already does not want to be pregnant stay pregnant then deal with the hormonal aspect from it would just be cruel. If abortion is wanted or needed, then that is not only the woman's choice but also her right.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…6mos6MO

Where'd that right come from? Who could have given it to her but a Creator? And wouldn't then the Creator have valued all human beings equal? Before you talk about "human rights" I need an explanation of from whom or from whence those rights are derived.

  @9J2FMT7 from Arkansas commented…5mos5MO

  @9J2FMT7  from Arkansas commented…5mos5MO

Having an abortion also has an affect on your hormones, not just your pregnancy. Having an abortion would not fix the problem. In fact, it does not fix any problems. It is also not your right to end someone's life because they make your life less convenient.

 @9GXB5M3  from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Pregnancy can be dangerous for a woman’s health, a woman shouldn’t risk her life for a child she knows she won’t care for or want, therefore abortion is necessary.

 @9M785QQ  from Missouri disagreed…4wks4W

i disagree with that because what did the baby do to deserve death.

what if i was your mother and i gave up on you how would you feel dying at a young age for no reason

also women shouldn't give up their baby because of their health they should at least put it up for adoption so the baby can have a family that actually wants it

 @9GWGW7Z from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

There are already many children around the world looking for families to adopt them. Forcing mothers, some of whom may suffer significant health consequences by giving birth, to complete their pregnancies will cause unnecessary deaths and bring more parentless children into the world.

 @9GWGZX6 from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

There is adoption available yes, however some children who are victims of SA or Unconstitutional sex may not be able to survive either. Abortion would be their best bet. Even then some pregnancy can have major problems in itself.

 @9GXTZ6F from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Those who are undergoing an “unwanted pregnancy” should be given the right to choose what is best for their mental, physical and emotional health. Many people do not wish to carry the burden of an assault through the “life” of another organism. The foster/adoption system is extremely corrupt and if that person chooses not to go through that option should be allowed to choose.

 @9GY9T3VPeace and Freedom from Iowa disagreed…7mos7MO

i think for those who are having an unwanted pregnancy should have the right to give birth and also abort it if necessary in term of health concerns.Other than that surrogacy is a personal choice of an individual.A mother who cannot survive a pregnancy can have the access through an adoption.

 @9GXCJP2 from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

The adoption and foster care systems are already filled with abuse and mistreatment. What is the point of forcing women to go through unimaginable pain for hours on end and cause irreversible damage and change to a woman's body? and what about the women who get pregnant via rape. 1 in 6 women will be assaulted in their lives, would you really force a girl to take care of and nourish a fetus formed by one of the worst events in her life? without abortion options women wouldn't stop getting abortions they would have to get more dangerous abortions putting them in even more danger.

 @9GXPXLRSocialist from California disagreed…7mos7MO

For many women who get abortions it may not be their first choice, they may be victims of rape, children themselves, unable to financially have the child or are in a relationship where the husband wont allow them to use birth control, their body cannot physically support a baby, they are struggling with substance abuse, or in a dangerous living situation. Regardless sometimes the best thing for the mother and the baby is to not have the child and that is the choice she has to make.

 @9GWGYV5 from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

A pregnant person's pregnancy is their priority above all other considerations, even if it isn't a priority to you. If they reach the painful conclusion that the pregnancy is unsupportable (whether for medical or personal reasons), their access to medical support in such a stressful time should be prioritized. They shouldn't have to get your permission to address their health emergency. By what justification would you rob another person of their bodily autonomy? If you think that they cannot be trusted to make good decisions on their own, do you think that compelling them to become parents is really a strong move?

 @9H2PCW5Republican from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

PRO LIFE if you abort after a certain time period of a babies development it is murdering a baby. Pro life is not preventing abortion, it is putting time limits on it so you aren't killing an innocent baby.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

That's literally just preventing people from being allowed to get a medical procedure on their own body. There's no way to phrase it to make it not sound blatantly authoritarian...

 @9GX3VVL from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

Unfortunately, you’re wrong. the priority here is the already living breathing woman-
Not the parasitic, unwanted, leech of a spawn inside her.
Another woman’s desire does not overule another’s suffering.
The population right is through the roof. Let her have her right to choose.

 @9GWK4B5 from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion is not someone inherently wants, not one women purposely and consciously gets pregnant for the sole reason to have a baby. There are pregnancies that are also dangerous not just for the fetus but as the mother as well, and the only safe option being abortion. To claim the mother of someone that does not want to keep their child as a surrogate only degrades the mother, and labels her as an awful person.


there is a lot of reasons someone could be getting an abortion and it is everyone's right to have there on decision because getting an abortion could possibly even be what is best for everyone.

 @9GYQLDJ from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Of course, there are better options than abortion. However, it is the woman's right to choose. They are undergoing the process, therefore, gives them an undeniable inclination. A person's body, and extension of that, is up to that person and that person alone. Potential is nothing compared to right.


Although that is a great option. Those wanting to undergo the procedure are most likely endangered and cannot carry through with the pregnancy or they cannot afford to carry out to term. Those who are considering an abortion should have the right to make their own decision.

 @9GX7NKC from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

Sometimes, it isn't about wanting the child or not being able to afford it. It can also be about staying alive. For many people, pregnancy is something that they can die from, and will if they don't get an abortion. While those options are good for people who aren't trying to abort for medical reasons, they aren't an option for those who are.

 @9GWHZN9 from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

A lot of people don't have the financial resources to afford prenatal care or the cost of giving birth. Also pregnancy takes a toll on someone's body and mind. Also there are already so many kids in the foster care system.

 @9GWHWFPLibertarian from Rhode Island disagreed…7mos7MO

Women should have complete bodily autonomy; if they wanted to go forward with a pregnancy and avail themselves of these options, they already can.

 @9GWHGK2Democrat from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no better option than providing personal choice for one's medical decisions off the table. There is an important difference between religious intervention in public morality and the right to personal choice in one's own life. There is no possible explanation for insisting on the forced birth of an unwanted child. Those who stand for this kind of fascist legalism as a matter of religious morality are also not willing to face the consequences of their unholy demands as unwanted children grow up to be a detriment to society in general.


the entire debate over abortion is about the act of carrying the child, forcing that on a person defeats the entire point of the argument. it isn't about where the child ends up in this case, its about the process.

 @9H2DM3MDemocrat from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

What about women who are raped? For example, a young girl would be forced to have a child her body may not be ready to produce.

 @9GYB7CYWomen’s Equality from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

If this were a circumstance where the woman was raped or a victim of incest how could you give that child to someone else knowing that it could be inbred. At the early stages of pregnancy the embryo would have no feeling.

 @9GXPDP3 from California disagreed…7mos7MO

People should have the choice to have a baby or not it is not your baby it is not your responsibility and it isn't your choice but the mothers choice on what she wants for herself.

 @9GZMHKMSocialist from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion should not have been made illegal because of rape, unwanted pregnancy's, and unready mothers.

 @9H36LB7 from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

I don't know all I know is that all abortion should be allowed, a women should be allowed to decide whats best for her. The government shouldn't control her body choices.

 @9M785QQ  from Missouri agreed…4wks4W

 @9GXDFCR from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, we should not kill the child, we should give it a chance, give it the opportunity to live a happy life.

 @9GWH23C from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

I would have to agree, I am against abortion as no matter the circumstance it is a live human being and deserves a chance at life.

 @9GZWXFT from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe that life does not begin until the baby at least has limbs or any other strong indication that they will be successfully born a healthy breathing infant, so I believe all the decisions should be left to the woman carrying the fetus. Whatever they think is best for themselves and the unborn fetus should be what happens. There are numerous circumstances as to why someone can not have a baby e.g. financial status, health conditions, unsafe environments, etc, and forcing someone to have the child despite any of this is cruel and unjust.

 @9GYVJ3R from California disagreed…7mos7MO

While individuals can be informed of the surrogate process, this option should not be prioritized over abortion. Pregnancy and birth delivery can be very painful processes, and individuals should have the opportunity to choose what they want to do with their bodies. Even in the case that an individual is informed of the surrogate option, they may not want to give birth and that choice/decision should be honored and recognized. Especially for those undergoing unwanted pregnancy, giving birth can be not only physically scarring, but also emotionally traumatic.

 @9GYTSH3 from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

No, regardless of the surrogacy idea it is still a woman’s choice with what they wants to do with their body. Mistakes and things happen that does not mean you should be forced and obligated to obey these rules. Giving birth isn’t an easy thing, forcing a woman to do so is insanity. However other options are still good but a woman should be able to choice whether she wants to abort or resort to the other options.

 @9GX8DMHIndependent from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

A women should only be allowed to abort the baby if she is raped, or in a situation where it wasn’t wanted. If it was planned then she has to have it.

 @9GX3T9SWomen’s Equality from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

A woman's body is her own and she should NEVER be forced to subjugate it to serve someone else's will. That is pure slavery. Shame on every person allowing this to continue in the United States!!! This country is no longer free. "Land of the free, home of the brave" my *** !! We might as well be living in a dystopian novel.

 @9GYC6NJ from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

its a womans body he choice u cant tell ppl what to do with their bodies, if she wanna keep it then let her, if she wanna abort that baby let her

 @9GYZXFNDemocrat from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Then the mother may have to live through the potential guilt of putting up that baby for adoption. Getting an abortion is the simpler option and should be available.

 @9GXS2GK from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

it all depends on how far along the woman is and why she wants to get one. if she is sick and does not want to do something to the baby, if she was raped, or if she has something going on that can get passed to the baby and she doesn't want to pass it to the baby. with the how far long, if the baby has a heart beat that would be murder but if the baby doesnt have a heart beat then the fetus would not be murdered.


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