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Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?


 @9GKPYCKIndependent  from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

It is not anyone's choice but the woman's choice there are so many circumstances that require abortions or birth control such as rape unwanted pregnancy egg topic pregnancy or other life-threatening conditions that make it extremely dangerous for the mom or the baby.

 @9GKSVD9  from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

If they didn't open their legs in the first place then it wouldn't of happened, but in the case of rape victims who had no control over what happened to them, then they would be allowed help.

 @9LR3JWQ  from South Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

I disagree. No form of birth control or condoms are 100% effective. I think you are uneducated on this topic.