Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @FreedomEli from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

You bring up some valid points regarding the use of body cameras for police accountability and officer safety. However, it's crucial to consider privacy concerns as well. For instance, body cameras often capture sensitive situations involving citizens in their most vulnerable moments, and the widespread access and potential misuse of this footage could lead to a breach of privacy. In San Francisco, for example, there were concerns about footage from body cameras being misused or ending up in the wrong hands. How would you propose we balance the need for transparency and accountability with the right to privacy?


You're right, but it's not a reason not to have them. *Technically* no where in the constitution is an inalienable right to privacy mentioned, it's just somewhat respected. I mean, the cameras are useful, I don't think that should be denied, I just think what should be RELEASED should be vetted for safety to protect individuals involved who aren't cops.

 @9JVTPYX  from Florida disagreed…4mos4MO

consider privacy concerns as well. For instance, body cameras often capture sensitive situations involving citizens in their most vulnerable moments, and the widespread access and potential misuse of this footage could lead to a breach of privacy. In San Francisco, for example, there were concerns about footage from body cameras being misused or ending up in the wrong hands.

Majority of the time a police officers are on public property so that's like saying, sure you can't record via body cam but if you want to you can pull your phone out. About people being at their lowest point, to put it simply what does that have to do with the officers? their job is to protect and serve and if they can't protect you because they can use footage of a guy being murdered because of privacy concerns then that alone would raise a red flag. It doesn't matter where you are or might go there is going to be someone who miss uses something, this might something suc…  Read more


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