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Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned s…


 @9FBGZ3HIndependent  from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

It provides an unfair advantage due to the fact that most athletes transitioned after puberty leading to them being stronger and faster than female athletes.

 @9FBQQ8D from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

This means that you are saying that people who were assigned male at birth are stronger and just better at sports than people assigned female at birth, which is not only transphobic but also sexist. There are many times when female people have beaten male people, such as Zhang Shan in the Olympics during 1992.


This means that you are saying that people who were assigned male at birth are stronger and just better at sports than people assigned female at birth, which is not only transphobic but also sexist

However, on average research has suggested that men tend to be stronger, while women tend to be more flexible. I have nothing against a woman joining a male league like the MLB provided they can compete on the same level and pass the same standards. Why not?

Men in women's sports, well... Leah Thompson has proved problems...