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Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change?



Climate change is something that is going to significantly impact the world, and it is our duty to minimize this as much as possible.

 @SheepishKoalaLibertarianfrom District of Columbia disagreed…9mos9MO

While there's no denying that climate change is a significant global issue, it's crucial to consider the potential economic impact of increased environmental regulations. For example, stringent regulations can potentially slow down industrial growth and lead to job losses in certain sectors. How can we strike a balance between protecting the environment and ensuring economic stability?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

Jobs/industries that perpetuate climate disaster should be abolished in favor of green alternatives. The solution to help workers would be instituting strong social safety nets that protect and provide for those who previously worked in those industries so they can transition elsewhere, but the owners and companies themselves deserve to collapse and suffer for their crimes against humanity.