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Should “gender identity” be added to anti-discrimination laws?

No, there are only two genders which are genetically not psychologically determined

  @Czuck1983Progressive from New York disagreed…12mos12MO

Sex and gender are not the same thing, neither is binary in nature. Sex (male/female/intersex) comes from a combination of your genitalia and chromosomes (there's more than XX and XY). Gender (man/woman/nonbinary) comes from your brain (different genders have differently sized and shaped brains). Human biology is a wonderfully complex field, every piece of the puzzle is important. That is a scientific fact, and those facts don't care about the fact that you stopped learning when you left high school.

 @JudicialLaylaLibertarianfrom Colorado asked…10mos10MO

If gender is psychological, then why is surgery so necessary for trans people?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

Gender-affirmation surgery is not necessary for a person to be trans, as you can be trans without having any surgery or procedures, since your gender identity is psychological and not biological. Gender-affirming surgery is a part of what is known as gender expression, which is the physical means of expressing gender externally, whether it be biological, like surgery or hormone treatments, or even non-biological, like the way you style your clothes or hair or whatnot. Your gender expression does not inherently define your gender identity, since your gender expression is merely, as the name…  Read more