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309 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y


 @9FN6QT4 from Vermont disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes they should have diversity training so that we can better understand all people and where they come from.

 @9F73LDBLibertarian from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Mandatory diversity training as well as sexual harassment training should be taught to students in high school, not to adults. With that being said, why are we worried with businesses wanting their employees to understand that certain behavior will not be tolerated. If a company has a firm action in place regarding certain behaviors, and they want to train their employees so they fully understand what behavior is not allowed, then they should. Government should not be mandating what they are allowed to train in the workplace. I don't think that employers should be allowed to fire after one incidence if the behavior was not clearly stated of being allowed.

 @9M4L6BN  from California commented…1wk1W

Wrong. Government has no business telling a private company what to do.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y


 @9KVB98X from Ohio agreed…3mos3MO

Everyone should receive this training because not all behavior is recognized and you never know what people are doing behind closed doors.

 @9GSR264 from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

Diversity is about bringing voices to the table that have different perspectives due to their experiences. Teach taking turns and using your ears and mouth in proper proportion.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, and mandatory diversity training should be banned

 @9M4L6BN  from California commented…1wk1W

The government has no business telling a private company what to do. You FAIL as a libertarian.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

Yes, and all companies should require mandatory diversity training

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

Yes, and immediately expel any employees that commit acts of discrimination

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, diversity training should be encouraged but not required

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, only for employees that commit acts of discrimination

 @9L63K8K from Indiana disagreed…2mos2MO

Everyone needs to take diversity training because sometimes things could be considered discrimination and not realize it.

 @9KVB98X from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

Some people never report when they are discriminated against so as a default everyone should get this training.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

 @9BFSG84 from Louisiana answered…1yr1Y

Yes, if they want to. But personally, I think this is a stupid trend happening. It's unnecessary by adding more attention to race your making people more conscious of race. An example is a kid said when he was in middle school he never once thought about race. but once he had crt all he thought abt a person while first meeting them was race. We shouldn't focus about race for anything we should just regonise that were all people and that we should be treated equally.

  @04DANSALCALIFORNIA@Independent from California answered…1yr1Y

Encourage diversity, but if you have to tell your employees not to be racist, they shouldn't be employees.

 @9FB23ZX from Washington answered…9mos9MO

 @9MTZNC4 from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

Yes, but only if the priority is on racial cooperation and understanding and not on teaching that one race is more privileged or disadvantaged compared to another

 @9MND76D from Illinois answered…2wks2W

No, the government shouldn't intervene in a private company's internal affairs unless it violates a person's human right(s).

 @9MCGPNP from South Carolina answered…3wks3W

No, because companies should worry about hiring the right person for the job. If they're black; cool. If they're white; cool.

 @9M3PQ5V from Illinois answered…4wks4W

keep it the same but they shuold have guns and a test so not shoot the person that steels but if the person has a gun and they still they will be shot in the arm or leg and the person that shot the bad person will not go to jail but the person that trys to still will go to jail.

 @9LHN4XC from Maryland answered…2mos2MO

I think diversity training should be encouraged but not requires, and employees who commit acts of discrimination should be expelled.

 @9J9JP2K from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

It is not the government’s position to tell private companies what to do, however, it should be transparent to consumers which companies provide diversity training and which do not.

 @9HYRZ55Independent from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

It should be up to the company. If an employee has chosen to work for said company then they must comply with the company's decision of doing the training or not doing the training.

  @ChaseOliver  from South Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Individual firms should be allowed to set their own policies, and consumers may decide which firms they will support with their dollars.

 @9F7SNL5 from California answered…9mos9MO

 @2KJR767Independent  from Virginia answered…9mos9MO

No. It should be recommeneded but the focus should be on emotional intelligence and unserstandkng bias versus driving wedges based on perceived discrimination.

 @9DJHLM5 from Florida answered…9mos9MO

Yes, companies shouldn’t be told how to operate by the Government unless they are conducting illegal business or limiting speech

 @9DJBM33 from Alabama answered…9mos9MO

No, employers should simply publish clear guidelines and company policies on actions

 @9DJ83N6Socialist from Nebraska answered…9mos9MO

No, current diversity training has been scientifically shown to cause worse outcomes in the workplace.

 @9D98WZR from California answered…10mos10MO

 @9D68MKD from Ohio answered…10mos10MO

  @YauntiCommunist from New York answered…10mos10MO

Yes, abolish private property and require all workers to take diversity training and a requirement of orientation

 @9D53XZH from Florida answered…10mos10MO

Yes, because the government should have very limited regulation on private companies. The free market should dictate what training is profitable.

 @9CZMFWDfrom Washington answered…10mos10MO

Ideally as required, should teach common decency instead. Especially at lower levels of competency. It is in senior managements best interest to have a workplace that is welcoming to the broader public.

 @9C9RV25 from Washington answered…12mos12MO

 @9BLNTKV from Kansas answered…1yr1Y

Neutral, but diversity training should be heavily encouraged with incentives

 @9MFBRSL from North Carolina answered…3wks3W

Yes, but only if such training focuses on racial cooperation and understanding rather than critical race theory

 @9MDD3XT from Texas answered…3wks3W

Diversity training should be incentivized financially, and governments, public institutions, and violators of discrimination laws should be required to provide it in their workplaces

  @JcawolfsonIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

Yes, diversity training should be encouraged but only required for employees that commit acts of discrimination

 @9LJRK6T from Massachusetts answered…2mos2MO

It's sad that people would even need diversity training to begin with, the fact that the government has mandated what's essentially lessons on how to be a civil human being is crazy.

 @9L7Q9V3 from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only if such training prioritizes racial cooperation and understanding instead of preaching critical race theory

 @9K8HC43 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

The goverment should have no say in this matter, the only day they have is where federal employees receive training.

 @9K24XZX from Connecticut answered…3mos3MO

I personally don't believe in diversity training, but the government should not have any role in mandating any diversity standards.


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