Try the political quiz

Which political party do you most identify with?


 @97G7DBJ from Michigan commented…2yrs2Y

I think its stupid as **** and a boy cant magically wake up one day and decide to be a girl. Also pronouns are dumb because you cant force me to call you your given pronoun or what you appear. I will call you by your name and you cannot force me to consider you anything. And the amount of people to de-transition is insane. It's becoming the 'trend' to be transgender in a way.

 @98F3Y6QDemocrat from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

Your second comment is correct but misguided. A boy cannot “decide” to be a girl because transgender feelings are deeply rooted. As for pronouns being dumb, you used twelve in your post. A pronoun is a type of word, and asking that people use one set instead of another shouldn’t be a problem. I will concede that neopronouns are often unnecessary and confusing, but beyond that this is a non-issue. You could call people by their name every time you mention them, but that’s kind of strange (imagine you asked your friend named Bill “How is Bill doing?”). As for…  Read more

 @9LFGWG5 from Florida commented…2mos2MO

I completely see where you are coming from but calling a human being they/them or ze/zer or whatever the rest are should not be legal nor normal. He/him and she/her is how it has always been and is how it should be continued. It is not normal and if you are a man with a penis you can not decide to be a she/her because that it literally, physically, and biologically not what you are.