Try the political quiz

135 Replies

 @9FVW5ZMRepublican  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Studies have been done that show increased police patrol lowers crime. In most communities, there is an average response time leading to the best outcome for victims. Increasing police presence reduces overall response times and gets them to the scene faster to help whatever potential victim is in need of service. Higher quality training leads to better officers and should include community input.

 @9FVXP3Q from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

No, police are stupid, but they need more funding for more training ao they don’t do dumb things like kill people

 @8ZKNSCPConstitution from Massachusetts agreed…7mos7MO

If the police isn't there to protect citizens, then who else is going to protect them? "Oh but the community!" They won't be there forever and there'll come to a point where you have to take into prospective that most of the corruption comes from the unions of the police and NOT the cops themselves.

 @9GKKBPM from Indiana agreed…7mos7MO

why defund the police, without them who would keep people safe? we need the police to protect us. not only that, but why would they carry nonlethal weapons? if they do, they would die because the person they are trying to detain will not hesitate to kill them, because they have a gun.

 @9GKJNBXRepublican from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

I wish to not defund the police but to continue to aid them. They have brought life, liberties, and uphold the law for the citizens of the United States. There are those that don't show integrity and leadership characteristics that are in the workforce but I don't consider them to even be apart of the police force. The cruelty does not talk for the citizens and the children. The love and care does.

 @9GKHWTZWomen’s Equality from Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

police officers provide more protection in communties them people thin l not gonna lie sometimes you have officers that would rather cause more problems then prevent them but there are tons of officers that try to keep the communtiy safe and provide equality and if needed they will use brut force.

 @9G3Q3TSRepublican  from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

With increased funding officers would have access to better training so they could handle delicate situations better.

 @9G3Y264 from California agreed…8mos8MO

No, police are stupid, but they need more funding for more training ao they don’t do dumb things like kill people

 @9G3XPVY from West Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

I completely agree, Police officers deserve more funding as crime rates may escalate if they find flaws in training.

 @9G3YQPS from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Instead of giving them more funding to teach keep the same funding reduce the amount of aggressive training and increase the training for de-escalating the situation they spend 107 hours on firearms and defensive tactical training and 8 hours on de-escalation.

 @9HQBQJD  from California agreed…5mos5MO

If we allow for an increase in funding and training, not only would it allow for communities to be safer, but it'd allow the police to become more prepared for more situations.

 @9HQDDVWIndependent  from Wisconsin agreed…5mos5MO

This is spot on. People commenting police funding without any understanding of the system are very ignorant. Lack of funding to appropriately pay officers and provide training leads to the compromises in hiring and training. This is the most apparent in big cities with high cost of living and low pay. High crime, low pay, inexperienced officers, low quality of life, and officers who stay long enough to get experience leave to a different department in a cheaper place with a better community with less crime.

 @9GRGJ5F from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

If the police isn't there to protect citizens, then who else is going to protect them? "Oh but the community!" They won't be there forever and there'll come to a point where you have to take into prospective that most of the corruption comes from the unions of the police and NOT the cops themselves.

 @9H4QF7H from Indiana agreed…6mos6MO

14 Major democrat cities saw the homicide levels the highest ever after reducing the budget of the police.

 @9GTZ43H from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

defunding the police will increase crime, more funding and training for the police will decrease mistakes and crime.

 @9GWQBP6Republican from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Crime rates have been increasing since the defund the police movement began, and the best way to combat crime is to put more cops on the streets.

 @9FDC867 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

there are areas of the US that are over funded when they don't need to be, there should be a movement to branch out more high ranking officers into more high crime areas and cities. it would be an expedition but much more local.

 @ReferendumRob from Nebraska agreed…9mos9MO

It's an interesting point you raise about redistributing resources. For instance, cities like Beverly Hills, which have lower crime rates, reportedly have more police per capita than cities like Detroit, which have higher crime rates. Is this a case of misallocation of resources? By reallocating high-ranking officers to high-crime areas, we could potentially see a significant impact on crime rates. However, how do you propose we ensure these changes happen without negatively affecting low-crime areas?

 @9GNQNYVRepublican from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Defunding the police will cause a lot of crime like scenarios leading to issues that have happened in the past with the criminal ending up with harming more bystanders causing police to take hours or even days to deescalate the situation so it would be best if we fund the police with different programs and procedures to help the situations be easier to deescalate before anything going wrong

 @9GS3D3M from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Increasing the funding and training of the police departments will allow officers to understand what they can do. This will increase options for officers before having to resort to drawing their guns.

 @9GKPPM9 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

the Police force has no reason to be defunded and with increased funding in areas of need they would be able to provide more service and protection

 @9GF9H7M from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

I think that all police officers require better training and more frequent training. A similar approach to the training that the military has where you are exposed to tense situations more frequently would benefit police officers.

 @9GTMTFG from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Studies have been done that show increased police patrol lowers crime. In most communities, there is an average response time leading to the best outcome for victims. Increasing police presence reduces overall response times and gets them to the scene faster to help whatever potential victim is in need of service. Higher quality training leads to better officers and should include community input.

 @9GMKD8Z from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

The only people who support defunding or dismantling the police are the very people the police are protecting us from. Defunding the police will decrease the amount of training they have, making the problem of misconduct worse, and reduce response times causing more preventable deaths. This is especially true since many of the left wing cities that defund the police have laws against carrying weapons for self defense.

 @9GC6NF9 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Police officers who work in high crime rate communities have to work harder, They have a higher risk of getting killed. Increasing the funding towards them for training would make more sense because they need more training than police officers who work in a low crime rate community.

 @9GPCVPP from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that the only way to combat an issue with violence in communities is to increase funding for police departments.

 @9GJH8RH from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Without the police the world be terrible and gun violence would be higher than ever. I think that defunding the police movement is just unbelievable that people think that could solve something.

 @9GLW7YJ from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, we need to fund them more, and have them be able to make a call appropriate at the time, and make sure to watch for police that seem corrupted, or crooked.

 @9GV5F6S from Massachusetts agreed…7mos7MO

Nearly 1 out of 5 non violent criminals became violent when being arrested, or detained by police officers.

 @9GLYYTM from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

More training and less militarization are the paths forward, along with a reduction of harmful and unnecessary laws that divert police attention from more important issues.


High crime should be taken care of, but the community shouldn't get all the funding the officers and the entire department work so hard for.

 @9HP34S2 from North Carolina agreed…6mos6MO

higher crime rate areas have a lot of people that know people, you need to be more trained and prepared for any situations that could be bigger and more serious then u were thinking of

 @9HGK67D from Georgia agreed…6mos6MO

More training equals less user error that can result in innocent deaths and for stations to provide training money is required. With decreasing police funding more and more criminals can run the streets and continue hurting innocent people who weren't involved.

 @9GZL76T from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

They fricking protect you. their will always be on some level an abuse of power, a breaking of the law. We cant forever maintain perfection, to suggest its possible is folly. But this police officer, men and women, the only two genders, protect you and risk their lives everyday. Those Firefighters, paramedics, and social workers, whom you seem to revere, will not enter a dangerous situation, they wait till the cops secure the situation. I can also promise you you do not see the absolute vileness of humanity almost every single day, as many cops do. You do not now the horror they go through,…  Read more

 @9GL9772 from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

The vast majority of police officers are good people who want to make society a safer place. We need to eliminate corruption and racism by removing the corrupt and racist officers. Additionally forces need to include more training to deal with mentally unstable people, this includes adding specialists to units (pay with wages originally tasked to the corrupt and racist who were removed).

 @9GJT38KRepublicanfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

After the BLM riots, police funding was moved into other sections in some cities, and in said cities we saw an increase in crime, a decrease in police quality work, a decrease in the security of the civilians, a decrease in the amount of private investments, which led to less available jobs and more poor people. What we need is better police officers, that are better trained and educated to deal with the problems of the community. A city without cops will be run by gangs, we've seen this countless times in history. We need good cops.

 @9GHQCG3 from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

Places where police forces have been defunded and stripped of power, crime rates have skyrocketed, and those places have gotten to the point of being unlivable, and the people and corporations that pushed for less police are leaving those areas because no one can live there and no businesses can exist there.

 @9GTHJX7 from New York agreed…7mos7MO

There are areas of every community nationwide that have higher crime. The residents have higher needs. Training more officers for a wider variety of assistance will best swerve those communities.

 @9GMCYK8 from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

The police should not be defunded at all, it is a messed up world and some “volunteer pansy *** helpers” are not gonna do anything to help protect the community.

 @9GG4VSG from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

Allowing more training and funding to these departments will allow lower crime rates and safer communities.

 @9GL3YPZ from California agreed…7mos7MO

the cops can be a very good acting force if given the correct training, care and respect. with out the police we have no one to protect us. with more understanding police and better funding for health services we would be a lot better off


If you watch the news, and belive, it one way to solve the problem that is usually shown is that police mishandle a situation and so improving it can help the situation unless the department uses the money for the wrong things that can happen

 @9FT8TK2Democrat from California agreed…8mos8MO

Higher funding can result in better training, better tools, and better officers overall. In higher crime rate communities, it is likely that issues could be resolved better with better investigative techniques and tools to apprehend potential criminals.


More funding into police training not just paying them more if they are better trained they can lessen the amount of accidents or problems that have been caused by cops that suck at their job, they need to be held to a higher standard.

 @9GHPVSW from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

High rate of crimes should have higher spending on police to stop those crimes that makes logical sense

 @9G93LSC from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Defunding the police would raise the crime rate which is horrible because you wouldn't be able to live safely anymore, increasing the funding would further train the police to give better responses and bring the crime rate down which is good

 @9H2NPFK from Arkansas agreed…7mos7MO

If you train someone to deal with a lower crime rate, they won't know how to deal with higher crime rate because they were not taught to be able to deal with that situation

 @9GJ7CJ5 from Utah agreed…7mos7MO

The police protect the community. For our country to function we need the laws to be maintained. Issues with police action should be resolved in court.


If we were to train the police officers in places with higher crime rates then the people of that community would be more safe.

 @9GVK88WRepublican from New Mexico agreed…7mos7MO

So they can deal with moments where it may seem very dangerous but they can handle a situation with the right training and resources.


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