Try the political quiz

48 Replies

 @9GB2GPT from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

The incoming immigration pose a type of confusion to those who are natural born U.S. citizens. With the difference of language and background, there are more instances that make certain situations difficult for the natural citizens of the United States.


Any and all are welcome to immigrate into the US but do so legally and share your culture openly. Do not force anyone to do anything, you are welcome here with open arms but do not expect us to change our ways to accommodate you. There has to be a base line of what is the "United States of America", anything that deviates from that (and is legal) is encouraged just do not assume we will change just for you.=

 @9FMVL95 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Any and all are welcome to immigrate into the US but do so legally and share your culture openly. Do not force anyone to do anything, you are welcome here with open arms but do not expect us to change our ways to accommodate you. There has to be a base line of what is the "United States of America", anything that deviates from that (and is legal) is encouraged just do not assume we will change just for you.

 @9GYTYRRDemocrat from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

We can embrace those cultures that line up with our own core values. But those that are slanted toward Islamic terrorist apology should not be tolerated and those on visas that vocally support terror groups like Hamas on college campuses, social media, etc should be deported.


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