Try the political quiz

24 Replies

 @9F7YKXW from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

Mexico has been weakening America's position by allowing people to come to our great nation through theirs. It is time for them to be punished and we should do this by making them pay for a wall.

 @9F76JY9 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

we need the border because we are our own country. You reside in the country you were born in and you try your best to fix the country. If you have a positive impact plan then you would be allowed to come over. mexico should pay for this so they could stop problems going on in there country while also enforcing military

 @9FJ6CXC from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Why should a country have to pay for something that is insulting to them as a nation, that they necessarily want, and that derives from racist beliefs?

 @9F83SJW from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

They should pay for it so they can stop their own people from leaving and driving the economy down in Mexico

 @9F5BGYQ from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

Why should Mexico have to pay for something which they did not commission or support the building of? The "we will make Mexico pay for it" seemed like more of a public front.

 @TalentedWeaver from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Well, let's consider this from a different angle. If the wall leads to a significant decrease in illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and other cross-border crimes, wouldn't Mexico indirectly benefit from it? So, isn't it fair to ask for their contribution? However, I agree that the phrase "we will make Mexico pay for it" may have been a simplification of a complex issue. What do you think would be a more effective and fair way to manage the costs associated with border security?

 @9FJ5Z83 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

They should not have to pay for it because it is the US’s idea to build the wall in the first place.

 @9FVVT6FDemocrat from Minnesota agreed…8mos8MO

its mexicos problem that their own people are flooding into america and taking our recourse so thats why mexico need to pay for it

 @9FG3MLQ from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

NO they shouldn't pay and the wall should not be built and we should be nicer to immigrants and people need to stop being racist.

 @9FG3NV7Women’s Equality from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Why would Mexico be a part of something that will put their citizens in even more risk, also it wouldn't be fair because they're not the ones proposing the idea of a wall.

 @9F7QZ9ZSocialist from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

You cannot force another country to pay for an extremely expensive piece of architecture that will not benefit them at all. It is entitled.

 @9FGFZ6V from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

no they shouldn't pay for it the murder rate is already high in Mexico if they put a wall up there the murder's would increase more by day's or week's

 @9FDRY3P from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

No, it is not them who worry about illegals going into their state, so they shouldn´t have to pay for it.

 @9F8689C from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

The United States government is the country proposing the idea of building a wall, they can be the ones to put the money into it.

 @9F7PRYV from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

The overall idea isn't good and due to how it would affect the food chain and environment is sad and idk but it's sad

 @9F7PRYV from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

The Mexican wall may sound like a good idea to most but overall the idea isn't a good one and shouldn't have been put into motion in the first place due to many things like the cost and the overall effects in the future.


Mexico should not have to pay for something they do not support, and a wall basically shows that our country is weak and can't handle illegal immigrants without a wall.

 @9F6MJGHfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

No. The US should not be encroaching on mexico. If the issue of terrorism, gangs or any other crime crosses the state border then they should deal with the crime they commit in the US.

 @9FDHWW8 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

America wants to build a wall to border Southern states and Mexico. The key phrase is "America wants", Mexico has no reason to support the wall nor entitlement to pay for it. The US knows boarding off Mexico won't stop immigrants passing through, resulting in a big waste of money, this might be their efforts in saving money.

 @9FB5RK5 from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

A border wall is ineffective and regardless of who pays for it, a waste of money and time. Open borders.

 @9F6TSJW from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Its ridiculously expensive, and a waste of time. People will always find a way to get into the US so why try. Just let them in.

 @9F6V8H6Independent from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

There shouldn't be a border wall on Mexico, It'll be difficult for Mexicans too get to USA without using a plane.

 @9FG8DNT from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

we are making a bordor to keep them out so if we have them pay for it they may find ways to introduce ways around the bordor

 @9F77LNF from New York agreed…9mos9MO

As it is important to build a wall, if Mexico pays for it then it will strengthen relations with the country and help stop the flow of goods into Mexico as well.


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