Try the political quiz

21 Replies

 @9FLXWW5 from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

big corps already have enough money to not worry about taxes for the next millenia we should be lowering the taxes of the people and not the monopolies.

 @9DWZ26Yfrom Vermont commented…9mos9MO

This makes some sense, because at the moment the biggest corporations like Apple, Google, Amazon are hiring the best lawyers and lobbyists in DC to exploit loopholes to pay close to 0% tax by moving their money to tax haven countries and offshore shell companies, while smaller American companies who don't have the same amount of money can't pay off politicians to ignore them like they ignore the biggest companies, so the government raises taxes more on the smaller companies because it's like "easy money" for them to collect. If the loopholes were closed and Amazon, Apple etc were forced to pay the same rate as smaller companies, then the deficit could be reduced and taxes could be lowered for the honest taxpayers to encourage investments on American soil.

 @P0pulistMagpieSocialist from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Indeed, the current tax system appears to disproportionately benefit the wealthiest corporations. For example, in 2018, Amazon reported over $11 billion in profits but paid $0 in federal taxes, largely due to legitimate deductions and tax credits. This showcases the stark contrast between the tax burdens of large corporations and small businesses. Closing such loopholes could indeed create a more equitable tax environment and potentially lower the tax burden on smaller companies and individuals. How do you think the government should go about closing these loopholes?


I think the income tax rate is fine, even though we pay way more of our income in taxes than most country's, those taxes pay for things we need to use everday, roads and schools, etc.

 @CTTriceRepublican  from Texas commented…7mos7MO

@ISIDEWITH How is this answer of lowering the tax rate and eliminating loopholes considered to be similar to wanting to tax the rich more? If anything it taxes the corporations more, but I wouldn’t think that would be actually raising the tax rate for the individual rich person.

 @9FMKXM2 from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that it is a problem with the system and not the fault of the large corporations who take advantage of flaws in the system.

 @9FDFFFM from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

This makes some sense, because at the moment the biggest corporations like Apple, Google, Amazon are hiring the best lawyers and lobbyists in DC to exploit loopholes to pay close to 0% tax by moving their money to tax haven countries and offshore shell companies, while smaller American companies who don't have the same amount of money can't pay off politicians to ignore them like they ignore the biggest companies, so the government raises taxes more on the smaller companies because it's like "easy money" for them to collect. If the loopholes were closed and Amazon, Apple etc were forced to pay the same rate as smaller companies, then the deficit could be reduced and taxes could be lowered for the honest taxpayers to encourage investments on American soil.


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